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Interviewing Tips

As I've mentioned in my recent blog posts, I was getting ready for a few interviews with a couple of news stations. They all went pretty well and although nothing really came from those interviews in terms of a job or internship, they've allowed me to gain more experience talking with employers and have allowed me to understand the interviewing process more than before.

However, I didn't just go into those interviews blindly. I did my research and looked up a few tips to help get me through the process. So, today I thought I'd share some of those tips in case you might be preparing for an interview of your own pretty soon.

The first step is preparing for the interview and the possible interview questions that might get thrown your way. Below are a few things Experis suggests you should go over before your interview.

  1. Research the company and person you are interviewing for
    • Sure this may sound pretty basic and common sense but a lot of people get so caught up in the interview itself that they forgot to even do some background checks on the company they want to work for. Find the basic information: who is the boss, what does the company stand for, what is some of their most recent work.
  2. Anticipate the interviewer's concerns and reservations 
    • Although everyone is great and has their own personal strengths, we also have weaknesses. Identify your weaknesses with the employer, be clear with them but also find ways to express how you can improve upon your weaknesses in the new role you are applying for. Remember, we're all humans and make mistakes sometimes. 
  3. Think positive 
    • Again, this might also sound like common sense, but don't let the interview get the best of you. Employers can tell if you are nervous during an interview and can honestly hurt you in the end. Enjoy your time in the interview and use it as a learning opportunity, not something you should be afraid of. 

Then once you get to the interview there are a few things you should do there. Before you completely finish and go, you should ALWAYS ask the interviewer questions. Below are some questions to ask employers during an interview as recommended by GlassDoor.

  1. What are the company's values? What characteristics do you look for in employees in order to represent those values? 
    • Hopefully, you find a company that has values that very much align with your values. If not, you might find yourself in situations where your moral compass is telling you to do one thing and your employer is telling you to do another. 
  2. What's your favorite part about working for the company? 
    • You want to work for a company that is not only awesome but also treats their employees great too. 
  3. Are there opportunities for professional development? If so, what do they look like?
    • Getting a job is great and all, but we always want to be pushing ourselves for the next step and hopefully, your potential new job allows you and encourages you to do so. 
Hopefully, all of this information is helpful because it sure did help me this week with my interviews. Let me know if you're going through the job hunting and interviewing process and I'd love to send positive thoughts your way!


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