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News Reels, Job Interviews, Adulting Oh My!

UF's College of Journalism and Communications hosts a Career Day for students every semester in hopes of connecting students to industry professionals across the state of Florida. As someone who is in the telecommunication field, it is very hard to find an employer at a regular job event across campus so each year I have attended the CJC's Career Day in hopes of expanding my network as well as possibly gaining an internship or job. This semester, our Career Day will take place on October 17, which is only a week away.

In order to prepare for the event, I have updated my resume, created numerous cover letters to hand out and also updated my newsreel. Plus, I have requested to interview with three employers who are all hiring for positions in their newsrooms. Of the 70+ employers listed, I applied with WJXT (news station in Jacksonville), WMBB (news station in Panama City) and WFLA (news station in Tampa). Although I'm not sure yet if they will accept my request and schedule an interview with me, I am extremely excited to begin the process of "adulting" so-to-say. With only eight months left until graduation, I really need to start getting my ducks in a row in order to apply for and to get a job before I graduate.

Below is a screenshot of my resume I submitted for the Career Day.
As I mentioned above, I also had to update my reel by adding in some newer content and taking out some clips I felt weren't as good anymore. Below is my most current and updated reel.

While neither is perfect, I hope they show employers my skills, personality and overall knowledge I have gained about the broadcast industry. And although I have some time before I have to start adulting and experience life after college, I think next week will help show me what I will have to look forward to as graduation nears. Hopefully, all three will accept my interview and if they do (or at least one of them), stay tuned for an update as to how they went. But until then, let me know what you think about my resume and reel. I'd love to hear your feedback or constructive criticism.


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