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Time To Show Your Worth

Tonight I had anchor auditions for WUFT News. This is the one night where I get to showcase the talent that I have and to show to my news directors that I am worthy enough of an anchor position for the upcoming semesters.

How does the process work:
  • I show up to my news directors office at 7 p.m.
  • We go over my resume together and discuss my previous work experience
  • We discuss the semesters I will be available to work for WUFT News as well as the position(s) I would like to have 
  • I am given three pages of a practice script 
  • I get 5 minutes to rehearse and practice the script
  • Once my 5 minutes is up, I go into the newsroom studio and go "live" for my report as anchor 
And that's it! Anchor auditions are short and sweet, but there are a few twists thrown into the mix. In the three page script, there are words that are hard to pronounce, words that are spelled wrong, inappropriate phrases that we do not use in news, and names of individuals we have never seen before. This is to test not only your knowledge but flexibility when going live.

During your audition, the teleprompter shows the scripts exactly as they are. So any mistakes you saw have to be corrected mentally and must be said correctly out loud. 

While I won't be able to find out my results until mid-summer, I have released through my past couple of auditions that both practice and pressure have turned me into a better reporter and (hopefully) anchor. 


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