Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog site "The Life of a Student Reporter." My name is Alexis Pastore, I am currently a third year Telecommunications - News major at the University of Florida. I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida and come from a family of five. Going to college has been one of the most scariest yet best decisions I have ever made, but with that being said there is a lot of work that comes with it. Being a college student alone can be extremely tough. You go through major life transitions such as living on your own to finding out how "adulting" really is. But on top of that, I am also a reporter for the on-campus news station, WUFT News . We are the local PBS affiliate for the North Central Florida region and broadcast as far as Jacksonville to Orlando. On a weekly basis, I pitch, report and edit stories for our nightly newscast called First at Five and do News in 90 segments for our sister station, WRUF. So not only do I have to balance the co...